Seed System | Strengthening smallholder farmer seed systems

COVID-19 and Seed Security Advice: Feedback on Resources

Over the last month, we have shared with you multiple resources related to this pandemic and seed.
1. A Statement from an International Thinking Group…
2. Advice from the UN Food Security Cluste
3. A Policy Brief from Norway: Fridtjof Nansens Institutt
4. Storage Advice during COVID-19 from Purdue
5. Guidance from ISSD deriving from rapid assessments in four countries
6. The Initial Advice from SeedSystem

We would now welcome hearing from all of you, and particularly from those still implementing or planning seed interventions. Here are three direct questions:

a.    Has this advice been useful for your work? If yes, in what ways; if no, why not (what have we missed) ?
b.    What are the most pressing constraints you are facing around seed security programs right now?
c.    Do you see opportunities around seed system response or development: linked to the COVID-19 period?

Your voice and feedback matters – Please use blog here on (and stay safe).