Seed System | Strengthening smallholder farmer seed systems

COVID-19 and Seed Security Guidance: STORAGE

This part in the series “COVID-19 and Seed Security Guidance” will focus on storage. It is increasingly important that smallholder farmers know how to store, and do it better in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Storing more means that farmers rely less on markets (which may or may not be functioning) and also spend less money (which is key in this time of constrained resources).

The COVID-19 pandemic reminds us all of the importance of preserving seeds for future production and grain for household consumption or future sale. Development practitioners and government agencies should recognize and support the efforts by farmers (and traders) to preserve their seed and grain. A couple of options are described in this resource.

As we strategically review options, please remember:

  •  Hermetic storage methods can help secure seed and grain on smallholder farms during a crisis such as the COVID-19.
  • Most of these hermetic storage containers can be sourced locally – villages, markets, or agro-dealers shops.
  • More specialized hermetic storage technologies are sold in several countries around the world depending on the quantity to be stored.
  • Options include hermetic bags such as Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS), GrainPro SuperBag, AgroZ, ZeroFly, and Elite.
  • Other hermetic containers that can be used to store grain and seed include silos, drums, jerrycans, bottles, and other containers.

To access more practical advice and training resources (in English and French), please check this resource.

Now is the time to think strategically – think STORAGE!

For more on COVID-19 and Seed Security Guidance, check our website.